Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cinema of 2010

As the Oscars approach and the nominations have been decided, I like many internet bloggers I will give my own opinions on the few films I saw despite my lack of impact on the decision of who actually wins. So with out further a do, in chronological order based on release date the films I have seen in 2010.

1. Shutter Island 
Oh Martin Scorsese, with your crime thrillers. Shutter Island was everything I expected it to be it was good film, had its twist in the end and can be confused with Inception by some people. :P
I liked this movie, it wasn't one of my favourites but I did enjoy the idea that Leonardo DiCaprio was the patient in the end. 
2. Alice in Wonderland 
Not what I expected I disliked this film immensely. I used to like Tim Burton when I was a young teen full of angst. Is that because his older films are arguably better or just because I simply out grew them, I will never know. If you would like to see a good interpretation of Lewis Carrol's story I recommend instead Alice directed by Neco z Alenky in 1988. It is to be frank fucking scary and bizarre as shit, but it is surely a film I can stand behind. It is not for the weak of heart however. 

3. How to Train Your Dragon 
Adorable, the dragon was adorable, the plot was foreseeable but altogether heart warming. My vote is torn between this film and Toy Story 3. I will never be able to decide. 
4. Date Night 
With the every lovely Tina Fey and the always amiable Steve Carrel this movie was bound to have some funny moments. It made me laugh but it is not a film I would ever see again. I think they are both more suited to their roles on 30 Rock and The Office. 

5. Iron Man 2
Besides being a fan of Robert Downy Jr.  and of super hero movies I mostly like this film because of the swinging sticks kinetic energy sculpture. So fucking cool. 
6. Toy Story 3
Growing up with Toy Story made this film more emotional, going off to university at the same time as Andy made many in my grade cry upon seeing the film. I liked it and although it was similar to the previous two Toy Stories it did have some scenes that made me altogether very happy. For instance the Spanish Buzz parts and the fact that the Gypsy Kings sang You've got a Friend in Me in Spanish. !Muy Bien! 

7. Despicable Me
It was my least favourite animated movie that came out this year but it was still very good. The thing that I hear quoted most often "its so fluffy" which makes me like it less. 
8. Inception 
What can I say? Inception was a masterpiece. Christopher Nolan by far my favourite director and this highly anticipated film did not disappoint. I loved every aspect of it and if it were up to me it would win best picture. I am still up in arms about the fact that Christopher Nolan did not get nominated for best director. He has been robbed year after year and the academy clearly has something against him.  

9. The Social Network 
This film was well made with amazing dialogue and an interesting and culturally relevant plot line. I enjoyed watching it despite my hatred for Jesse Eisenberg. It is the front runner for best picture and it is my personal opinion that it will indeed win. While I think that some other films are more deserving I will not be upset if it does win.

10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
 Harry Potter is a book that my family has been fascinated with since the we were introduce with the first book. I have never been a huge fan of the film and this one was no exception. I did however enjoy everything that went along with the Harry Potter films. I went to see it with my family and everyone was dressed up. I thought I made a delightful Snape.

11. Tangled 
Based on the fairy tale this heart warming Disney has cute animals, a romantic side plot and the main characters learn something about themselves and expand their horizons. While I liked it I still can not comprehend how it was able to be the second most expensive film ever to make. They apparently used all this new technology to make it cooler, but I honestly did not see the difference between previous Disney films so I am not sold on it being completely necessary or worth it. 

12. Black Swan 
Natalie Portman was a sensation. The film was good and exactly what it was advertised to be -- a psycho sexual thriller. It was not without its uncomfortable moments. There were many crotch grabs and now I will forever associate Natalie Portman with having someone awkwardly grab my crotch during a theatrical performance of some sort. I think it deserved the hype it received but in my opinion it was no where near as good as Inception, The Fighter and True Grit.

13. The Fighter 
I loved The Fighter, it was a movie about sports, family and Lowell Mass. Christian Bale was amazing the film was made in good taste and it was extremely well made. I would consider watching the film a second time and would like to see it do well. My Dad particularly felt connected to the film seeing as he grew up in Lowell and knew the brothers the film was based on.

14. True Grit 
I haven't seen many westerns but True Grit as far as I can tell is very good. I would be interested in seeing the original. Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and Hailee Steinfeld were all quite good. I am sure that Hailee will win best supporting actress and she deserves it. 
And thus concludes my small sampling of 2010 films. I congratulate anyone with the fortitude to read through it all.

1 comment:

  1. Minus the spoiler at the beginning, I like your review missy :p
