Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises

Yesterday I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2 for the sole purpose of seeing the Dark Knight rises trailer. After seeing a leaked version on the internet (it has been taken down since then) I had to see it in the cinema. As luck would have it they did not play it before Harry Potter, because Balston is the worst. The last time I went to this theater I was carded and they did not let me purchase a ticket to a rated R film, despite it being clear that I am over 17.

Now in a fit of rage I will post what is available online. First featured insane chanting and blackness. Second through the darknight twitter page fans were given the first image of Tom Hardy as Christopher Nolan's Bane:
A couple days ago the official movie poster was released. Some people have heavily criticized it for being too similar to the Inception poster. I think it looks awesome, and much grungier than the poster of Inception. Clearly they both are similar in the way they use the city to show an image, but I think it still works extremely well. 
Between these releases, the little I have seen of the trailer, and the cast list it is safe to say that I am more than greatly excited for the summer of 2012. The end of the trilogy looks much darker than the previous two films and I am sure that Christopher Nolan will make it completely amazing. 

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