Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lady Crushes

1. Marion Cotillard (Actress)
Why I like her: she appeared in some of my favourite films (Inception and La Vie en Rose) she is an incredibly gifted actress.
What I look forward to: her role in The Dark Knight Rises the third Batman movie in Christopher Nolan's masterpiece. 

2. Shakira (Singer)
 Why I like her: I grew up listening to Laundry Service and dancing to "Hips Don't Lie." She is also very active in the soccer world, appearing as the musical guest for World Cup 2006 and 2010. I enjoy her more recent CD's She Wolf and Sale El Sol.
What I look forward to: She just recently began dating Barcelona and Spain NT player Gerrard Pique, so her presence in soccer will no doubt increase.

3. Tina Fey (Comedian)
Why I like her: She is one of the greatest comedians of all time. We share a Greek heritage and she has been the writer and star of my favourite TV show 30 Rock. 
What I look forward to: Reading her new book Bossypants and the upcoming seasons of 30 Rock.

4. Anne Hathaway (Actress)
 Why I like her: She is intelligent and seems to be one of those celebrities who would be cool to hang out with. She was amazing in The Devil Wears Prada and did a good job as the Oscar host in 2011.
What I look forward to: Her role as Selina Kyle in the upcoming film The Dark Knight Rises.

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